Well, the last few weeks have been mighty busy and I have been greatly lacking in postings. We had a very fun filled Christmas as we traveled to Waterloo for Christmas Eve and then spent Christmas Day in Cedar Rapids with more family....and the boys were troopers with the travel. However, once the weekend hit Payton started acting like he was having a cold and that Sunday we found out after a fun trip to Urgent Care he had ear infections and and Upper Respiratory Infection...which he then gave me, haha Merry Christmas! Oh, it gets better.....now Parker is fighting a bad bad cough and we are on house arrest until they figure out it is as well as he has developed thrush..we are having such a fun time in our household....who wants to partake in that fun with us ?! :) Well, other than illnesses things have been going great. I am still on maternity leave which is nice and Payton is still loving his brother (when he actually notices he is around) and Parker is staying the mellow sweet baby boy he has been. Even with being sick he is hardly fussing and still sleeping pretty well despite the coughing fits. More big news....Jeremy is now a full time realtor which I am so proud of. He has spoke about this for years and finally with a little push from recent events he has made the switch and is the happiest I have ever seen him....well except on our wedding day, and the birth of our children...and when the Bears win...haha, you know what I mean. So anyone need a house?! Hmmm...what else, things have been kind of a blur with all the diaper changes X 2 kids, feedings, sick ones, holidays and everything else. Well, I hopefully will get some more posts in as I have time. But here is our family picture from Parker's first Christmas .....and what a blessing my family is !
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Welcome Winter!
Well so far we have been surviving
the first big snowfall of the season, and having much fun might I add. Jeremy cancelled work and stayed home with Payton, Parker, and I today which was great! Last night we took Payton out in his snowsuit and let him experience snow for the first time, not only did he like it (until he face planted in the snow) but so did the puppies which he thought was cool. Snuggled in today and tonight has been so much fun and actually really made it feel like we are a real family (not that I thought different before) and was actually very relaxing. I got started on wrapping christmas presents ( haha everyone ) and realized how excited I am for Christmas this year, not only to spend it with all of our family and friends but to see how my children (well Payton really) experience everything from church to christmas lights to traveling and so forth. We definitly have a lot to be thankful for and am so happy I am able to be home this time of year again. Parker has been doing well, breastfeeding not so much, since we have had to supplement since birth my supply has taken a nose dive, so with much disapointment nursing is probably winding down, however at least he had almost a month of antibodies! I can't believe this Sunday Parker will be one month old! Time flies.....everyone take one day at a time and take every little thing in especially with your children, I can't tell you how fast the days actually go. I have really began to learn since having children that it is so important to live in the present and now wish it away to the future, being married, being pregnant, having a child, being pregnant (haha yes i know), having another child.....and not even being 25 yet, life events fly by and everything changes so fast. Love life now, the future will come....that is my new motto. This coming Saturday at 5pm is Parker's baptism and I am so excited that he will be baptized in the same church my whole familiy, including my dear husband, has been baptized in as well as been married in. I love traditions :) Well, thats enough rambling for now, loves!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Little Update
Well Parker had his two week checkup and things went pretty well. He weighed in at 8lbs 12.5oz and was 21.5 inches long now, both a good gain. We can back down on supplementing if he seems satisfied after nursing and if we supplement we are supposed to use a gentle formula because he is kinda gassy. Payton had his flu booster and was such a big boy, he only sqwaked for a minute! I brought gma with us to the doc today because the thought of hauling in the two boys seemed kinda scary and boy was it handy to have that extra hand! Well thats all for now!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
So Far So Good
Well, we have survived two full weeks of being parents to two boys rather than one. It actually itsn't as bad as I thought, meaning we can actually handle it. Payton really doesn't pay much attention to Parker except when he is cranky from his teeth coming in, then he wants mommy and daddy all the time. Parker has been such a sleeper and we are still having to stay on him to eat every three hours. He is nursing better but still likes to fall asleep and not do much work...hmmm can you say boy? Haha. I still don't think he looks alot like his brother yet but I do think its starting to happen, I just keep thinking how much a child changes in one year from a little baby boy like Parker to a walking, beginning to talk, and comprehend things like Payton. I think in the end I will never regret having them this close together, I am really excited to see how the boys relationship develops. We are starting to get a routine together in our house too, it definitly takes alot of teamwork and I have to say thank you to my hubby and family for all the help and support. We go to the Pediatrician tommorrow for Paytons flu booster shot and Parker's two week checkup, we will keep everyone updated. Lots of love and hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, because I sure have realized there is so much to be Thankful for and have also began to learn to appreciate all the small things my boys do that make them who they are. Lots of Love!
Friday, November 27, 2009
He Is Here!
He is here....Parker William that is! Things have been very busy with our new arrivals and I finally have a minute to update this blog. Well here is the story of Parker ( things are a little fuzzy in terms of times but here is the event in general). November 14th I began contracting early afternoon, things weren't real regular but were happening every 5-10 minutes. We went out to lunch with our friends Rachel and Jeremy and had some yummy mexican and told there baby to have a talk with my tummy and tell ours how to come out :)By, the end of lunch they were still coming but I was in disbelief of anything really happening, I had contractions on and off since I was put on bedrest for preterm labor at 33 weeks. So...I went grocery shopping, did the laundry, picked up and hung out with Jeremy and Payton. Talk about nesting and not knowing it...same happened with Payton! Well, I still wan't feeling well that evening so I took a bath and laid down and just hung out with the boys. By about 7pm I told Jeremy I think they were coming more regular so he started timing them with me and they were about every 3-6 minutes. I didn't want to go back to the hospital and then end up getting sent home so I stalled on going. We put Payton to bed and then while resting on the couch they started coming every 1-3 minutes, soo...with my husbands coaxing we decided to take Payton to Gma's house and go get checked out. Mind you, when I was really in labor with Payton I didn't believe it either. We got to the hospital about 9:30pm 'ish and the nurse checked me and I was dilated to 3cm ( the day before I was 1), but the baby was still high up.....not according to how I felt though! She made me get in the whirlpool for an hour and then checked me and I was 4.5cm, and still contracting about every 1-3 minutes. So....then came the walking. Things really stalled out at 4.5cm so the doctor wanted to start pitocin and have me get the epidural to help relax things along. And, how nice was it to know the anesthesiologist....joys of being a nurse, haha. Once the epidural was in the Pitocin wasn't really regulating my contractions like they were supposed to. Doctor wouldn't break my water because the baby was still to high up but didn't want to send me home since I dilated from 5-10cm with Payton in 30 minutes, so here I was 38 weeks with a labor that was taking forever....luckily it wasn't really all that painful. With the threat of a c-section we gave the baby a pep talk and at about 2pm the next afternoon November 15th doctor decided he would break my water so that he could use some internal monitors...what a weird feeling when my water broke on its own with Payton at 38 weeks! After he broke my water he left and about ten minutes later I began feeling lots and lots of painful pressure down there but no pain anywhere else..the nurse checked me and I was 7cm ( I believe), a few minutes later I felt even more pressure so she checked me again and I was ready to push! She called the doc and said that he would be there in ten minutes....which felt like hours! They had to keep me on my side because if I rolled onto my back the nurse was sure I would deliver, once he got there and I got my block due to the intense pressure I pushed for ten minutes and out came Parker William at 3:56 pm weighing 8lbs 10z, and was 21 inches long. He cried instantly despite the cord was around his neck (what is it with my boys and wrapping there cords every which way?!) and was so beautiful. Since then we have been working on gaining weight and getting breastfeeding down. So far he is so quiet and sleeps 95% of the time which is also opposite of his brother. We can't wait to see how the boys grow together and am so excited for Payton have a brother exactly 12 months and 5 days apart. So far Payton isn't phased by Parkers presence but has figured out how to say BROTHER! We go for Parkers 2 week checkup on Monday so we will let everyone know how that goes. Well, thats all for now. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 13, 2009
38 weeks!
Today I am officially 38 weeks! Who woulda thought when I was almost in labor at 33 1/2 weeks. I told the doc he fixed things too good now he has to undo his work! Baby looks to be about 8lbs 7 oz's based on the ultrasound pics and I might say appears to have quite chubby cheeks on the ultrasound. Also, appartently this kid has a big head, oh I am so excited....insert sarcasm. The doc stripped my membranes and said hopefully he will see me this weekend, but...if nothing happens then I go back Wed., and then we will be talking induction or c-section before 40 weeks since this baby is looking like a toddler. Haha, I keep thinking though, ultrasounds can be off so I will be curious to see how this all turns out. I know Payton is ready to meet the little one and have mommy back to normal physically. Sooo...still dilated 1.5 and hanging out.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Call Us Crazy But...
Well, everyone has one (a blog) so I guess we should too...right? Call us crazy but, with two kids (hopefully really soon) so close in age things might get crazy...but, maybe this will help us document and be able to reflect and share our crazy life with others. You know how many people keep saying how crazy we are for having two children so close in age...I was thinking about that and do people say that to couples having twins? Maybe we wanted it this way? Well...I guess we did, haha. I think once #2 arrives (hopefully soon) I will have more thoughts on children so close together but you know...it can't be that bad right? Tommorrow I go for our 38 week checkup and am having an ultrasound to check the size, part of me really wants it to come out still large so we can get something set up to get this kid out...I don't think I can handle another two weeks or so of this...nor can my husband haha. He has been pretty good throughout all this...major props hun! Payton just turned 1 on November 10th and my goodness is such a little boy now. I am really excited to watch him grow and see how he responds to another child in the house. Our current projects with P is weaning from the bottle completely and switching to milk. He takes cups pretty well but we'll see what happens. Back to the topic of blogs...I can't tell you how many people I keep finding out have them! Oh my and are they addicting to read. So, I guess you can call us conformers but..hopefully this turns out pretty cool in the end. I still have yet to figure out how to really work this thing so bear with us! Lots of love. -The Wilsons
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