Thursday, October 17, 2013

We Are Having A GIRL!!!!

So I have not updated this thing in so very long mainly because I am busy busy busy but also because I have been down right exhausted by the end of the day! I am 19 weeks with our precious little baby and had our anatomy scan today. We found out at 15 weeks (during an ultrasound to check cervix and fluid r/t history of preterm labor) that we were most likely having a girl and today it was definitely confirmed!!!! I am over the moon as I have been holding back my shopping urges until finding out for sure! Let the shopping begin! This little girl has been so different so far then the boys its amazing. I was SOOO sick for like 14 weeks with her and barely with the boys. I gained alot of weight early with the boys and barely any with her...although you wouldn't know by looking at me! During every ultrasound with the boys they basically cooperated today, this little lady did not want her picture taken and we even have to go back in a month to get more shots that they couldn't get today! She is head down, which can still change numerous times at this point, and was all curled up with her feet tucked up and hands in her mouth! It was so cute what pictures we could actually see due to positioning. However, when checking out her lady parts her legs were perfectly positioned :)

I have been having a pretty good pregnancy so far despite the early sickness and despite the one day of contractions that did subside they are just watching me closely. Since I had preterm labor with Parker I have monthly cervical ultrasounds to check length and although it has decreased it is still a good length. The only thing I have been complaining about lately is just being so tired. I sleep all night, go to bed way early and still am exhausted yawning all day. I mentioned it to my doc, chalking it up to my busy schedule with the family, school, and work but he did a quick finger poke and sure enough I am very anemic. So, easy fix, take a couple extra pills a day, and hopefully I will be gaining more energy! It just goes to show you can't just chalk up everything to just being pregnant. Hopefully I will be with much more energy soon!! I will leave you with a recent picture of me and our baby! Update soon!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

We Are Having a Baby!!

Finally!! I feel great to be able to tell everyone that we are having a baby! I officially announced it on Facebook last week after our first Dr apt where we heard the heartbeat but I have had no time to update this darn blog! I so wish I were better at blogging!

Our official due date is March 14th, and I am 12 weeks this week. I found out I was pregnant like right away because of all the months of tracking my cycle and being on fertility meds. I got a positive result at right under 5 weeks! So this has been so long to keep my mouth shut lol! The boys are so excited and constantly asking about the baby and Parker loves looking at pictures of babies in my pregnancy books, its adorable. I think when the baby comes they will be at great ages to be involved with everything, by then Payton will be 5 1/2 and Parker will be 4 1/2. Both boys even recently said they want a sister, I was blown away! I can't lie if I didn't say I would love to have a girl, but if it is a boy I know what to do with him, lol! This is probably last baby so I am really trying to enjoy this pregnancy. Its been hard though because I literally was very very sick and exhausted from week 6 to 11, and couldn't eat and all I could do was go to bed. Thank goodness I am getting over it now because I start back up with school and clinicals this week and that is no time to be sick! 2014 will for sure be a busy year with the birth of our new baby, me graduating with my nurse practitioner degree, probably starting a new job thereafter and the ever busy schedule of my husband and boys!

Next apt with the Dr is later in September (19th) and at that point we will get an ultrasound to check my cervix and then discuss the possiblity of needing Progesterone Injections throughout my pregnancy because I had preterm labor/bedrest with Parker. I am hoping my ultrasound looks good because I really don't want to have to have a shot every week for the entire pregnancy, however, I will if it keeps this baby in where it needs to be!!

Phew, it feels so good to tell everyone our exciting little secret!!!!!! Pictures to come!

Monday, July 22, 2013

I promise.

I promise an update later this week. We have been so busy this summer and done so many fun things, I am working on one big post hopefully by the end of this week. So stay tuned!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cycle 2

So, here we go on round two of Femara. I am starting at a bit lower dose because my labs were out of wack and have to take the pills one a day for the next five days. I hate how they make me feel and I can' t wait to where I can stop this already (as in just get pregnant NOW). Hopefully my side effects wont be so bad with the lower dose. So, once again. Here we go again!

Friday, June 7, 2013

I Think I Need a Break From Everything!

I am so frustrated so this post is mostly a therapeutic rant and there may be TMI so beware if you continue. So, I recently found out that my 21 day progesterone was great, it was 30. My doctor called today and said actually the medication probably worked too well getting me to ovulate and at that high of a number (they just want you over 10) they were actually worried I was hyper stimulated (which can cause multiples, ovarian cysts, and etc...) so she said IF I got my period she would reorder another cycle  and at a little bit less of a dose. I was really hopeful that because of the high number it meant that maybe this month we actually may have gotten pregnant....but today, I started spotting which means AF is probably imenent. That makes me sooo mad! I know I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up with this being our FIRST medicated cycle but still!! I got pregnant SO easy with the boys that is time I am so absolutely frustrated. Not to mention it EVERYONE around me is pregnant or finding out they are pregnant or just had a baby. It literally makes me sick to look at Facebook, blogs, or even watch TV. I know that sounds harsh but it is so hard to watch people who barely try to get pregnant, or who aren't married, and anyone in general get pregnant so easy. I even had this grand plan of announcing my pregnancy (because you know I swore I would great pregnant right away lol) to Jeremy and my dad on Fathers Day coming up. Well, now thats out the window! I know this is just the emotional let down right now, and despite my inward frustration with our situation I am still happy for everyone around me but gosh....this sucks. So, as of right now, I will restart my meds and go for cycle number 2 on Sunday. Here we go.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 21 Progesterone-Cycle 1

So, last Sunday I had my 21 day progesterone to see if I ovulated this cycle, and especially since this was my first medicated cycle. I found out today that my level was 30! This is great for me because before I started meds, my last cycle I didn't ovulate at all, and the three cycles before that were right at or under 10 (over 10 ensures ovulation).

I am excited to know that at least the medication did what it was supposed to and that now, its in God's hands. If I get pregnant, thats great (which we will find out in about a week) but at least I know I can ovulate successfully with this medication. Really, the side effects weren't too bad, mostly I had hot flashes and was really tired but I can put up with that for five days each month if it means we have a better chance at being pregnant! I did have alot of lower abdominal discomfort and pressure during that time but I just take that as my body is working on getting me some good healthy eggs! So, even though I don't know yet if we got pregnant this month, I am positive at the fact the medication did what it was supposed too! So, here's to a bit of waiting.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cycle 1

Today starts Day 1 of my Femara cycle (technically day 3 according to my doc) but today is the first day I took the medication to help with my ovulation. I hear the side effects aren't too bad and it is generally more tolerated than Clomid, so here goes nothing! I am supposed to take two pills daily for three more days after today and then later this month comes more labs to check on the progress of everything.

I am nervous to begin fertility medication because of so many things. First I am nervous that it may not work, and then what? I am not sure that if oral or injectable meds(the next step) doesn't work that I am willing to put my family thru IUI or IVF when we do have two perfect little boys already. Second thing I am nervous about is what if it works....and works really well! That sounds silly but I think I have gotten so used to not getting pregnant each month that when it does happen I think it will really not even seem real and then all of the reality of three children will set it in (which is ultimately what we do want). I know that sounds crazy but its true, once your pregnant no going back, lol. Also, what if it works too well and there is more than one babe in there when it happens?! Oh my! I know that if that is what happens that is what is ultimately meant to be and the chances aren't really huge (doc said about 5-15% have twins and higher order multiples are really under heard of on this med alone).

I have come to a  realization that what happens will happen and I just have to trust that things always work out for the best in the end. Jeremy has been so sweet this past year and I know it bothers him to see me stress about it so much especially knowing that he would like more children as well. But, ultimately he leaves how far we will go to get to that up to me. So heres, to cycle 1, and lets see what happens and how crazy this med makes me, haha!!! Fingers crossed!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Beginning...

So, today I went to my OBGYN's office to discuss my last three months of 21 day progesterone studies. It turns out I am not consistently ovulating at a good rate. So, what does that mean? They want to start me on a ovulation medication. As of my next cycle I will begin taking Femara, which is supposed to increase my chances at ovulation which in turn helps us get pregnant. But, taking ovulation meds= increase chance in having more than one baby. My doctor said my chances are the same as if I were on clomid and run anywhere from 5-15% chance of having multiples (as in twins, higher number multiples are extremely rare on oral meds). I am excited but really nervous to try this next month. I really hope it just happens for us because I think we are both getting tired of all this planning and thinking about things, especially since the first two came so easy. It just goes to show, don't take anything for granted. It is so hard to go on facebook and see all my friends announcing their pregnancies and this or that and has happy as I am for everyone, it really does hurt at times. This experience has given me a whole new outlook on things and a much higher respect for those dealing with infertility. So, here goes nothing!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Baby? Maybe? Update...

Well, don't get all excited here....there is no baby here! Hmmm where do I even begin? It has been soooo long since I blogged. I felt for a long time in blogging funk. Each time I blog I think I will get back to it more often and have all these dreams of keeping current with beautiful pictures of our life and stories but it just doesn't happen. We have been so busy and so much has been happening. 

Well, since last July, my last post.... we have been pretty busy. I am still working at the hospital in an outpatient clinic, which lately has been very say the least, however I still love what I do. I am still in school part time working towards my Family Nurse Practitioner certificate and will be graduating next May...finally! The boys are doing great and are louder and more active then ever. Payton recently started ice skating basics so he can begin in hockey soon and they both will be playing tball this summer, so that will keep us busy. Jeremy has still been working real estate as well as flipping houses and buying investment properties. So thats it in a nutshell. Very condensed, I know.

I bet whoever reads this is wondering so whats up with the title regarding a baby. Well, we have been trying now for a year and three months to get pregnant again and with no such luck. I finally talked with my OBGYN and have been starting the fertility work up. Its so weird because I got pregnant with Payton and Parker so easily, and this time its been so hard. It sucks! I have been having labs drawn the last two months and am still getting more later this week and will be following up next week with my doctor in regards to my ovulation issues ( which I never had), and see what our next step is. It is so frustrating though. You see all these people get pregnant by sneezing lol and here we have to really focus on it. So weird, and I have a whole new respect for couples who are going through fertility issues. Hopefully mine is fixable so we will just see. 

Well, we just got a new MAC computer and I am totally new to the setup with this thing so once I figure it all out I will try to spruce things up on the old blog and maybe even add pictures! Wow, lol. Thats such a stretch. Well, until next time, my non existent readers :)