Sunday, January 31, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well I finally had a minute to update this thing...I need to get better about it because I really do enjoying blogging...and reading others! Well, this week completes the first week back to work. Luckily I am only working three eight hour shifts a week 8-4:30 so thats not really all that bad, but man it kicked my butt this week. Jeremy has been volunteering to get up at night when I work the next day and that has definitly helped, how sweet huh?! Payton starts daycare tomorrow, and I do think he will really enjoy it and really pick up on some new things, hopefully good things. He needs the socialization and now Parker gets grandma's full attention, which will be great. Payton is doing great though, I can't believe he is almost fifteen months old already. Parker is eleven weeks old today and definitly being very social. He smiles and coos and almost laughing I swear. He has been soooo laid back, he sleeps, looks around, smiles, sleeps, eats, sleeps, haha. Hopefully he stays mellow because Payton takes enough energy to keep up with :) Well, I better get going, hopefully I can update more soon!
(Don't you love Parker smiling? Oh, and his brother was kinda shy after his bath...hehe)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Falling Into Place....

Well, things are finally starting to fall into place around here! Everyone is finally healthy and doing well. Its about time! Parker is officially nine weeks old today, which I can't believe. It seems like just yesterday I was huge and stuck in bed thinking about his arrival. Payton is definitly hitting the toddler phase and has started stomping his feet when he wants something right that second....which is always! But, he is just really taking off and starting to talk more and understand what we are saying more each day which is so awesome. He now says mama, dada, grandma, uh-oh, all done, milk, ball, and I am sure there are more I am not thinking of right now. Today cousin Noah came and played and it was adorable watching the two boys interact. They sure entertain each other which is awesome. Payton is so Noah's shadow when he is around and it is so adorable. They spent almost an hour emptying out the toybox and just sitting in it, haha. Parker has been doing great at holding his head up and is really alert and sure smiling alot! He also has been sleeping pretty good, only waking up once to twice a night MOST nights. Daddy did his first deal as a realtor this week and we are so proud of him and he has many promising clients coming in soon, but still pass the word! This will be my last week off from work and I have mixed feelings. I am so ready to get back into a routine and be around adults. But, I have really enjoyed being around my boys and husband so much. Plus I have been off since October since I was on bedrest, so I feel a little rusty and my department has moved, so there will be alot of new things going on. Oh, well. At least I am only part time and work three days a week, that I am thankful for. Well, enough for now!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A little peace and quiet please!

Well, what a start to our New Year. Parker made it home from the hospital this past Monday (day 5) and luckily has been doing wonderful. He is now 7 1/2 weeks old and has been smiling in repsonse to our faces and when he is being spoken too which is sooo sweet. He gave us our first real smile in the hospital....what a trooper huh?! Payton has started a hunger strike, which from what I read is quite normal at this, he his almost 14 months old. So, we just keep trying to offer lots of healthy foods and milk and hopefully his appetite will pick back up again. From what I read this is pretty normal because toddlers are more interested than being on the go than sitting down and eating. He also has begun his whining..oh lord, I know he is just frustrated because he can't communicate as effectively as he wants to but it is very tiresome listening to him whine. Both me and Jeremy are recovering from a nasty bout with the flu and are just hoping the boys don't get it. How gross would that be to deal with?! Even though 2010 started off pretty rocky so far I am so excited to see what it will bring (and yes, it will NOT bring more children, at least from us). Parker will change so much during his first year and I imagine Payton will keep changing dramatically too, we just need to really pay attention to all the little details because time flies! Hopefully as this year progresses we will fall into more of a routine, but I have to say so myself, this really isn't as scary or hard as I thought, I know, famous last words, it can change. But, so far so good! In fact I think I am handling two little ones better than I did when it was just Payton at Parkers age! Although Parker has been a drama king since was born. Both seem so different already and I can't wait to see their personalities develop even more! Right now we are working on Payton using his own silverware (something I need to get better at letting him try) and allowing us to brush his teeth regularly without a fight. Parker, well his goals are too just stay healthy and keep that laid back personality he has had so far! Well, enough rambling for now. Hope to post again soon! Lots of love, -the Wilsons

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A little update.....

Well, what an exciting new years....hopefully 2010 calms down a bit for us! Parker was admitted on New Years Eve with Pertussis (whooping cough). He had stopped eating and was very lethargic....very scary for such a little one (6 weeks). Its unfortunate too that he hasn't had any vaccines yet due to his age, so his immunity is also compromised right now. However, last night went very very well....better than I think anyone thought. The doctor yesterday said she was just worried he will be getting worse before better and that he may not be able to keep his oxygen up with the coughing spells, however last night he hardly coughed and his oxygen was 94-100% pretty much all night and without oxygen! The doc did say yesterday he could be kept hospitalized for a few days to weeks depending on how he does and if he gets worse, she just isn't sure which way it will go, but we are very hopeful with how well he has been doing....he has even started to want to eat again and has been taking about 4 ounces a feeding...much better than the 1 ounce every four to five hours!!! This just goes to show me he is one tough little man and hasn't hardly fussed or cried. New Years Eve was pretty scary because he was pretty bad at that point but he definitly is going forward and not backward right now, we just need to keep it that way. All I have to tell parents though who question vaccine safety, still get them, if Parker was old enough to have had the vaccine we may not be in such danger of things getting bad and luckily Payton has had the first shot of the vaccine. It just is so not worth not getting kids vaccinated and see them get things that are preventable but yet dangerous....although Parker still could have got it even if he was vaccinated just like Payton has it too we are thinking, but we have him on the meds necessary to get over it and not be contagious. The sucky thing is, is that this virus can last months so we won't be out of the woods for sometime, we just have to keep a close eye on the boys to make sure they can handle the coughing spells. Well, I'll try to keep everyone updated as time allows and thanks for all the thoughts and prayers! Hopefully 2010 brings lots and lots of health and good times! Lots of love and Happy New Year...-The Wilsons