Well so far we have been surviving
the first big snowfall of the season, and having much fun might I add. Jeremy cancelled work and stayed home with Payton, Parker, and I today which was great! Last night we took Payton out in his snowsuit and let him experience snow for the first time, not only did he like it (until he face planted in the snow) but so did the puppies which he thought was cool. Snuggled in today and tonight has been so much fun and actually really made it feel like we are a real family (not that I thought different before) and was actually very relaxing. I got started on wrapping christmas presents ( haha everyone ) and realized how excited I am for Christmas this year, not only to spend it with all of our family and friends but to see how my children (well Payton really) experience everything from church to christmas lights to traveling and so forth. We definitly have a lot to be thankful for and am so happy I am able to be home this time of year again. Parker has been doing well, breastfeeding not so much, since we have had to supplement since birth my supply has taken a nose dive, so with much disapointment nursing is probably winding down, however at least he had almost a month of antibodies! I can't believe this Sunday Parker will be one month old! Time flies.....everyone take one day at a time and take every little thing in especially with your children, I can't tell you how fast the days actually go. I have really began to learn since having children that it is so important to live in the present and now wish it away to the future, being married, being pregnant, having a child, being pregnant (haha yes i know), having another child.....and not even being 25 yet, life events fly by and everything changes so fast. Love life now, the future will come....that is my new motto. This coming Saturday at 5pm is Parker's baptism and I am so excited that he will be baptized in the same church my whole familiy, including my dear husband, has been baptized in as well as been married in. I love traditions :) Well, thats enough rambling for now, loves!
Time is definitely fleeting and our children seem to magically grow and change before our eyes. Babies sighs, toddlers smiles, those small things are the biggest. Enjoy the wonder of it all. Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteYou brought tears to my eyes. I totally know how you feel! From the time they are born to holding their heads up, sleeping through the night, rolling over,trying fruits and veggies, sitting up, eating solids, crawling, 1st birthday and walking...WOW! (wiping tears again..)They are definately AMAZING!!!! Thanks for the post Amy...