Well, the last few weeks have been mighty busy and I have been greatly lacking in postings. We had a very fun filled Christmas as we traveled to Waterloo for Christmas Eve and then spent Christmas Day in Cedar Rapids with more family....and the boys were troopers with the travel. However, once the weekend hit Payton started acting like he was having a cold and that Sunday we found out after a fun trip to Urgent Care he had ear infections and and Upper Respiratory Infection...which he then gave me, haha Merry Christmas! Oh, it gets better.....now Parker is fighting a bad bad cough and we are on house arrest until they figure out it is as well as he has developed thrush..we are having such a fun time in our household....who wants to partake in that fun with us ?! :) Well, other than illnesses things have been going great. I am still on maternity leave which is nice and Payton is still loving his brother (when he actually notices he is around) and Parker is staying the mellow sweet baby boy he has been. Even with being sick he is hardly fussing and still sleeping pretty well despite the coughing fits. More big news....Jeremy is now a full time realtor which I am so proud of. He has spoke about this for years and finally with a little push from recent events he has made the switch and is the happiest I have ever seen him....well except on our wedding day, and the birth of our children...and when the Bears win...haha, you know what I mean. So anyone need a house?! Hmmm...what else, things have been kind of a blur with all the diaper changes X 2 kids, feedings, sick ones, holidays and everything else. Well, I hopefully will get some more posts in as I have time. But here is our family picture from Parker's first Christmas .....and what a blessing my family is !
We loved having you all at our house for Christmas! The boys are such fun watching them open their presents (Noah and Payton). Payton looked like he actually knew what he was doing with the paper tearing and he always handed me the tiny pieces he enjoyed ripping up, except when they took a detour to his mouth! Now we are praying that Parker's hospital stay isn't long and his whooping cough responds to the medicines. Take care of my little Pdub and we will see you soon. Love, Mom