Monday, June 14, 2010

Things I Love...

( In no particular order)

1) The way Payton says "mama, mama" when he needs a snuggle.
2)The way Parker is starting to reach for us to be held!
3) Ear Tubes (hopefully we will love them!)....can you tell we are desperate for relief from ear infections?! haha.
4) The feeling of going home to my 3 boys at the end of a day.
5) Our puppies who are at my parents house while we try to sell our home.
6) Summer rain....okay, not all the time, but the night time showers are nice.
7).The feeling of crawling into bed at night and going to sleep.
8) Weekends...especially spending it with family.
9)Watching Payton hug and kiss Parker and try to pick him up to take him wherever he is going.
10) Summer barbeques.
11)Blogs....I am kind of addicted to reading them,haha.
12) The Real Housewives Series...pathetic I know.
13) God for giving us such an amazing family and life.

Well, thats my list for now. I will have to add to it because I could go on forever. What do you all love?

1 comment:

  1. Things I love...
    My husband
    My daughters and their unique differences
    My grandchildren. Who would have thought they would be as much fun as your own kids growing up
    My best friend, Peggy
    My pond, and fishes
    My flowers and all their colors
    Good music
    Good books
