Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Don't Want To Be A Grownup Anymore :)

So I don't really want to be a big person anymore. I miss the days of my biggest problems being what to wear and what I was doing that weekend. Now don't get me wrong I love being an adult in regards to being a mommy and wife but being an adult brings alot more baggage with it that just that. This summer is supposed to be a fun relaxing break from school and stress but its not really turning out that way. Student loans hit for the summer, until I go back in the fall for my final year of grad school....let me tell you, when I graduate I will have KILLER loans. Yuck! Our house is still up for sale so we're hoping we can get that moved soon and then we still have yet to decide what we want to do when it does sell. Crazy I know, but I really just want a cheaper house payment especially now that Parker is in daycare with Payton and that costs us $332 a week right there! Parker recently got yet another ear infection so the day when tubes get placed can' t come any sooner! I am tapped on doctor visits and co-pays, ughh. July 12th will hopefully be the day we wave goodbye to frequent ear infections. Payton has really hit the toddler phase of development, he has recently been having outburts and hitting and yelling when he is mad. Time out....he laughs. But, how do you reason with a 19 month old or keep him in time out? Answers please?! I know he is really frustrated that he can't get across what he is thinking verbally but hopefully he will pick up soon. They say he isn't behind in talking but he definitly isn't as advanced as some at this point. On another note, he is really doing great with puzzles. He has mastered two that are for his age as well as a 3 year old puzzle! I just got him some more advanced ones and we'll see how he does with that. He loves them and it is so cute to see him work so hard at getting it just right. Parker is soooo almost crawling and I can' t wait to see him chase after his brother. With Payton I was nervous for when he started to crawl so that I would have everything safe for him, but everything is babyproofed/toddlerproofed already so bring it on! He is such a happy baby and recently he has been talking in his sleep which is sooo cute! Last weekend was USA Days in Fairfax, so we went out there to celebrate with all of Jeremy's family. That was a blast. We braved the heat on Saturday for the parade and Payton was so engrossed in it he sat in the chair sweating and all just in amazement. We watched his older cousins play kickball and then watched the fireworks Saturday night. Payton loved the fireworks and sat on Jeremy's lap yelling boom when they went off. Parker...."Mr. Excitement" fell asleep during the finale. I guess he wasn't impressed. Prior to crashing out he was watching them and seemed to like them. Well, here are a few pics from the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Ok do we live like the same life or what?! lol I totally know what you mean about all these "grown-up" responsibilities. I am soooo not looking forward to having to pay back my student loans! I paid them for about a year in between getting my BA and starting my masters and it sucked. And it is going to be like 10 times worse when grad school is all done. Yikes! It's all my fault though, I've always taken more out than what I JUST needed for my classes and thats what has made it so high! But what can you do!? And the crazy amount for daycare!? Don't even get me started!
