Friday, June 11, 2010

Oh July ...

So July seems like it will be an interesting but hopefully good month for us. Payton and Parker are scheduled for tubes both on July 12th. The ENT didn't even question the fact they needed them as soon as he saw their records. Payton gets ear infections so easily and Parker always has fluid in his ears. I have heard so many good things about tubes for kids with lots of ear infections I am really excited to get them in and done so we can move on. Really, 99% of ALL the illnesses we deal with comes back down to ear infections in some way. Don't get me wrong, I am scared for my little boys to get put to sleep for them but the doc said it was literally in and out with no IV and they are just put to sleep with a mask (no tubes).

I have been having some problems with bleeding since Parker was born (sorry if TMI) but I finally had a test done Dr. Rexroth my OBGYN wanted from awhile ago and it showed a polyp (what we are hoping it is) and some problems with my uterus. So on July 21st I get to go in for a D &C and hystroscopy and then they will also send everything to be tested to make sure nothing serious is going on. Both my doctor and I are very hopeful and pretty sure it isn't anything bad but just a reaction from having two pregnancies in two years and the high level of hormones that comes with it. The doc thinks just the surgery will correct all my problems and we can easily move on. I will be in and out the same day with a just a few days down recovering. So no worries, just anticipation. I mean come on, who likes the idea of any surgery as "minor" as it is?

Payton is officially 19 months old now! Oh my goodness, he is really changing each and every day. He has recently figured out how to tell daddy no (so far only daddy) and is really understanding what you say to him. He still isn't talking very clear except for a handful of words but I am not too worried at this point and neither is the pediatrician. I am hoping it will take off after tubes get placed in case he is having trouble hearing exactly how to pronuciate words. Parker is sitting up on his own and is getting such a personality. He is so happy but is starting to holler when annoyed which is funny. He makes the SAME mad face as his brother and it just melts my heart. Both boys are so snuggly lately which I love and I just am really enjoying them each and everyday. It is soooo hard to imagine how we lived before our kids. It sounds cheesy but its so true, and if you don't have kids one day you will understand. Now I realize why our parents worried when we were younger and stayed on top of us with things, they just wanted everything to be great for us. I totally see that and feel the same about our kids. Tommorrow we are heading to Waterloo for the night just me and the boys. Jeremy has some open houses on Sunday so I thought it would be fun to spend some time with my parents. The boys love going to grandma and poppa's house and hopefully we will go to the petting zoo if open and weather permiting. Well, I've rambled enough. Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. We hope to continue on illness free, spend time with family and friends, camp, and have some fun playdates (hint hint Merrick, haha).


  1. I was SOOOO scared with having to put my kids under, that was the worst!! But the doctors aren't exaggerating, it literally is 5 minutes. Ethan had his adnoids taken out too so it was a little longer, but with Emma, it was like by the time I got back to our waiting room they were already bringing her back! lol I did start bawling though when they put Ethan under. It is the worst thing to have to watch! I think yours won't be as bad though because they are so young yet. Ethan was going on 4 so I think that made it way worse because he could actually tell me he was scared and it made me feel horrible. Shane went in with Emma so I didn't see her go under but I honestly think hers wouldn't have bothered me as much. It all goes so fast though, it will be over before you know it! And both my kids have shown improvement. Emma had another ear infection afterward which kind of pissed me off at first but the dr explained to me that was normal with her having SUCH bad infections and non-stop for so many months, it would take a little while to fully stop. So you may have the same case with your boys' being so constant. Good luck!! And yes we do need to get together sometime, I will for sure message you if we are ever in the C.R. area. If you need some support or encouragement with the whole tubes thing, don't be afraid to send me a text or something, 319-610-3569. I know how it is to want someone to understand what you are going through!! :)

  2. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. I do have to say I think it is really amazing how people can reconnect after so long. I still remember being little and watching Miss America at your house!! I am glad though your kiddos are doing better now, I sure hope ours beat these stupid ear infections!

  3. so I was just looking at ur blog again and I never even realized u left this comment til now! lol must have missed it, but yea the miss America comment made me laugh. I totally forgot bout doing that. And it is pretty crazy how blogs and just the internet in general can re-connect people. Maybe if I wasn't such a loser and dropped out of school, it wouldn't have been quite AS long since we talked! LOL But u live and u learn,. right!? :)
