So, I don't know if many have heard about the Body by Vi 90 day Challenge!? Well, heres the deal in a nutshell it is a weight loss challenge for 90 days, with the option to continue the lifestyle change for as long as you wish. Many people that I have met first hand or are friends with people I know have actually lost substantial weight with this program and have nothing bad to say about it. I attened a presentation at a friends house last week skeptical of all the fad weight loss things you hear about today. But, I loved the product and got so excited that I signed up for the challenge and also to be a distributor! The overall plan consists of drinking two shakes a day (and let me tell you they are so yummy and can be made to taste like ANYTHING) and with your other meal just being a normal, sensible, meal. You can still snack throughout the day if your hungry and not feel restricted. And, its not that expensive, each shake is a dollar and some odd cents which is like NOTHING compared to what I spend on each meal I eat. So, Monday my first order is due to arrive and then I am beginning the challenge. I hope to document my successes and any hitches I encounter here and to show others weight loss and becoming healthy is possible! The lady I signed up under went from a size 14 to 7 in 90 days (WITH NO EXCERCISE) and the average weight loss is 3-5lbs a week! If anyone who reads this wants more information, go to my website or get ahold of me with any questions. You can even order it right of the website so there is no pushy sales here. I know I am excited on becoming more healthy, I want my pre-babies body back and I am taking control!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I have so many things to be thankful for this year. First of all, I am so thankful for our family, each and everyone has something special about them and I can't imagine life without any of our family members. I am thankful that in this tough economy that Jeremy and I are able to provide for our family and have all the necesssities we need. I am thankful for my two little boys that teach me patience and love each and every day. I am thankful for my husband who grounds me and is always offering encouragement whenever I doubt myself. I am thankful for many opportunities that are coming our way. I am thankful that we are in such a wonderful season where we are reminded to look back and remember what we all have and what God has done for us. I am just so thankful. Its easy to get caught up in the "I want" mode, and don't get me wrong, I am a Black Friday shopper, but we have to remember that this is the season of giving. I also have to say that I am so thankful for all of our friends who keep my spirit uplifted and make me laugh. I also want to say thank you to all who have or are serving our country, including my husband Jeremy. I really could go on and on about what I am thankful for and I really want to make an effort to give thanks more often than once a year on this holiday. Well, until next time give thanks!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Dear Parker,
Dear Parker,
Happy 2nd Birthday buddy! You are such an awesome little guy with so much personality and love. You always make me laugh and whenever I need someone to snuggle with you are the go to boy for that! You love to copy anything your brother does and in fact at times you act much older than your age, lol! You are a nonstop talker repeating everything you hear and can talk as well as your older brother and have been for quite some time. You love to read, color, and just hang out doing whatever we are doing. You favorite thing still remains your blanket. You have this one dark blue blanket that grandma Wendy gave you and you haven't let it out of your site ever since. Whenever you need to calm down, sleep, or even just take a moment you go right for it and I swear you notice whenever its not near...which makes washing it a challenge! You have brought so much more to our family and we couldn't imagine it any other way. We love you so much!!!
Mommy and Daddy
Happy 2nd Birthday buddy! You are such an awesome little guy with so much personality and love. You always make me laugh and whenever I need someone to snuggle with you are the go to boy for that! You love to copy anything your brother does and in fact at times you act much older than your age, lol! You are a nonstop talker repeating everything you hear and can talk as well as your older brother and have been for quite some time. You love to read, color, and just hang out doing whatever we are doing. You favorite thing still remains your blanket. You have this one dark blue blanket that grandma Wendy gave you and you haven't let it out of your site ever since. Whenever you need to calm down, sleep, or even just take a moment you go right for it and I swear you notice whenever its not near...which makes washing it a challenge! You have brought so much more to our family and we couldn't imagine it any other way. We love you so much!!!
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Payton!
Dear Payton,
Happy 3rd Birthday buddy! Being our firstborn you brought into this world a lot of change, but change for the better. When you were born, your daddy and I didn't have a clue what to expect. But, you have helped us grow as parents and as persons and I can't even remember what life was like without you in our lives (oh ya, quiet...LOL). I love spending my time watching you grow and learn new things every day. You are always coming up with something new such as a new trick, a new favorite thing, a new saying, and your love for all things Mickey and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. I love watching you try new things and you have become so smart it almost scares me! If you are shown how to do something once, you have it down in like five minutes. You have also become such a great big brother to Parker and I can honestly say he loves you and wants to be just like you! I can't imagine you not being in our lives and you hold such a big spot in mommy and daddys' hearts! Happy 3rd Birthday little man you have grown alot since that 7lb 6oz 21inch baby boy born on this day three years ago!
Love Always,
Mommy & Daddy
Happy 3rd Birthday buddy! Being our firstborn you brought into this world a lot of change, but change for the better. When you were born, your daddy and I didn't have a clue what to expect. But, you have helped us grow as parents and as persons and I can't even remember what life was like without you in our lives (oh ya, quiet...LOL). I love spending my time watching you grow and learn new things every day. You are always coming up with something new such as a new trick, a new favorite thing, a new saying, and your love for all things Mickey and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. I love watching you try new things and you have become so smart it almost scares me! If you are shown how to do something once, you have it down in like five minutes. You have also become such a great big brother to Parker and I can honestly say he loves you and wants to be just like you! I can't imagine you not being in our lives and you hold such a big spot in mommy and daddys' hearts! Happy 3rd Birthday little man you have grown alot since that 7lb 6oz 21inch baby boy born on this day three years ago!
Love Always,
Mommy & Daddy
Monday, September 12, 2011
So, I have totally abandoned this blog. But....even though I am sure no one really reads it, I still like the idea of having someplace to write about whats going on and be able to look back at later. Plus I hate writing by hand so this allows me to just type everything I am thinking. I officially started weekend option and starting in October I won't be working anything but weekends (right now, I am still picking up some days in the week). I ....can't....wait! I get to hang out with my crazy little boys and really just have fun like five days a week! I also am loving who I am working with on the weekends so when the weekends come, its like, great, I get to hang out with some awesome people! Hopefully starting in October I will have a routine established (like I said, hopefully) and I can get back into regularly blogging and uploading pictures (which I totally suck at). So, until next time!
Monday, August 8, 2011
So I can officially release the great news....I got the weekend option position in our department so once I start my new hours in September, the boys get to stay with me all week and no more daycare! You heard me! I will be saving $342.50 A WEEK! But, I also get to be with my boys all the time! Which I will say at times terrifies me, lol, but most of the time I am so ecstatic! I have lots planned for us! Hopefully, that includes being able to update this more often!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Wow 2 posts in 1 month already!
Well, I can't believe I am actually blogging already again lol! However, I will have to do a post of its own for pictures as I haven't got time to upload any right now. So.....where to begin? Although I miss my co-workers and having a work routine being off on medical leave with my boys has been awesome! I thought I would go nuts but we have found our own routine and have been sooo busy! Granted things take me more time being one handed but it still has been awesome. We have had so many playdates already and they have only been home with me for two weeks. We have been to the splash pad too many times to count with good friends and even by ourselves, we have been to the splashpad and pool and even to Old McDonalds Farm. I love being woken up in the morning to Payton sneaking in my bed to cuddle and turn on sesame street only to have his brother start yelling mom ten minutes later. I love our outings together and really seeing them learn new things. I never thought I would want to be a stay at home mom because I really love my job as a nurse and I really love where I work but man, its sooooo tempting! I know there will be tears on both our parts when I go back to work. Payton even has been saying "I no go see my friends mom" when he thinks we are going to daycare.....:( I love spending time with them and it is so different from when I was on maternity leave, by the end of my leave I was sad to leave each of them but ready to get back to the adult world and have some routine, but I think its so different now that they are older. I absolutely am cherishing this time with them. I know I have to go back to work soon and am hoping that my wrist is healing because I know our department has been so short lately, I don't want to add to everyone's stress but it will be bittersweet. Until I get the okay from the doctor I am resting my wrist and making every day count with my boys. Well, enough for now! We have a sleepover with cousins Hannah and Noah tonight, splashpad tommorrow and maybe even Old McDonalds Farm, and Friday we are relaxing at home with a busy weekend to come. Hope everyone is staying cool!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
We are alive!
Oh my word. Talk about a lack of blogging! Since my last post....ummm in much has happened! Lets see....May, I graduated with my Masters Degree in Nursing from Allen which was such a good feeling and then two days later we left for a week of sun in Florida with my whole family. It was alot of fun, we went to Sea World, Busch Gardens, Gatorland, and Universal River walk along with lots of swimming and a fun day at the beach. When I got back from Florida I went full time at my current job (hello student loans) and have just been keeping my eyes open for a good teaching job if one should arise. However, I do really like what I do now so it would have to be a very good oppurtunity to leave. However, I feel really bad for all of my coworks right now because one month from being full time I am now on medical heard I am off work for awhile. Back in March when we moved into our new home I was helping push our couch into the trailer it dropped and snapped my wrist down. Well being a nurse and a procastinator I put it off as a bad sprain or bone bruise..well...after finally listening to my family doctor and seeing a hand specialist with xrays and an MRI later...I have a partial cartilage tear, ligament tear, and I tore the covering off of one of my bones slightly. I have to wear this huge immobilizer for one month, get cortisone shots, and then see how I feel. If after one month things are not improved....then comes surgery (yuck!). The only positive that is come out of this is that my boys will not be going to daycare for the time I am home so I get lots of special time with two of my favorite people! I have never been able to stay home with my boys so I feel as if this is a special treat (minus the use of one arm and some soreness). Plus, I save alot of money with not sending them! up to this last weekend. We had so much fun! Saturday we went to the splash pad with the Ashlines ( and the boys favorite little buddy Jackson) and then to the Olin fireworks....which were by far the best I have ever seen! Then Sunday we went to the cabin for family time and the boys had such a blast! Boys sure will be boys, our tub was black Sunday night after washing all the dirt off of them. Then Sunday night we went to a glow in the dark golf tournament ( I was basically just the cheerleader) with the Ashlines again! Then on Monday we went swimming at the beach with them! What a weekend! Now its recovery and cleaning mode since our house looks like a torando came thru it! I hope to get better at blogging with the upcoming time home I have however typing one handed can take awhile so they may be short and sweet :) Hope everyones summer is going great! New pictures to come!
Monday, April 18, 2011
So I am a blog slacker. Sorry. We have been sooo busy this past month. Lets see, about a month ago we moved, ya you heard me, moved...again! But this is for good. We got a great deal on a new construction that was bigger than our last home and well, we bought it! We are currently trying to sell our previous home, and have had several showings the last few days. Lets see, the boys. Well, Payton is now in the "I do it!" phase and wants to do EVERYTHING by HIMSELF...which I applaud, but makes for some challenges here and there and also alot more time. Parker is 17 months old now and really starting to talk! He mimicks everything he sees and hears. He is also getting more and more tough and has been the one to initiate the fights between the two as well as taken onto biting Payton when he is mad. So, thats been a blast. Payton has been in his toddler bed for about a month now too and is doing so well with his big boy bed! Every night we snuggle and read books and he tells us to"DOOR OPEN" (leave the door open a bit). Parker is still my sleeper of a child. He still goes to bed with his blankies (which he is oh so attatched to) every night about 7-7:30pm without a fuss and sleeps until 7-8 am. Its great. But, Payton is our alarm clock who now walks in our room and stares us in the face at about 7am every morning saying "I wake mommy, I wake daddy". Oh, well. What do ya do?! In other news, in less than three weeks, yes you read that right, three weeks and I GRADUATE from Allen with my Masters degree! Yay! Then two days later we have a huge family vacation to Florida!!! Yay! Airplanes, theme parks, and a very nice resort for a whole week! Well, I hope to get better at updating this but I will leave you with a few pics of the boys! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011
No Time
So I have been majorly slacking in blogging. I really do keep up reading everyone elses blog bu...t just do not feel as if I have had time to put together a good post. Well, here goes nothing and I am not saying this is a great one, lol. Things have been very busy with school and student teaching and it seems there is never enough time to get things done or even work ahead. However, I do NOT want to spend my whole post about school because I already think about that enough. We have been staying busy as a family and just been hanging out since it has been so darn cold. We have visited family, went to Chuckie Cheese, and just snuggled in at home. Payton has really begun talking lately and it is so nice to be able to actually have a conversation with him. He loves watching for mem-i trucks (semi trucks) and lellow buses (yellow buses). He has recently really began to like Toy Story and Curious George....not sure where either of these came from. Parker knows where is nose is and is starting to say a few words here or there. I tend to think he will speak pretty early with how he has been acting. Parker's favorite thing is still his blankie and thumb. But, thats pretty cute. :)
We have stayed pretty healthy compared to last year, all four of us had Pneumonia about a month ago but finally are feeling normal again. Exciting news...after I graduate Friday May 6th, we are going on a vacation! Jeremy, myself and the boys, my parents, my sister and her family are all going to our timeshare in Orlando for a week! Ahhh....I CAN'T WAIT. Although flying with two toddlers should be interesting. Well, I hope to get some recent pictures posted soon. Stay warm!
We have stayed pretty healthy compared to last year, all four of us had Pneumonia about a month ago but finally are feeling normal again. Exciting news...after I graduate Friday May 6th, we are going on a vacation! Jeremy, myself and the boys, my parents, my sister and her family are all going to our timeshare in Orlando for a week! Ahhh....I CAN'T WAIT. Although flying with two toddlers should be interesting. Well, I hope to get some recent pictures posted soon. Stay warm!
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