So I am a blog slacker. Sorry. We have been sooo busy this past month. Lets see, about a month ago we moved, ya you heard me, moved...again! But this is for good. We got a great deal on a new construction that was bigger than our last home and well, we bought it! We are currently trying to sell our previous home, and have had several showings the last few days. Lets see, the boys. Well, Payton is now in the "I do it!" phase and wants to do EVERYTHING by HIMSELF...which I applaud, but makes for some challenges here and there and also alot more time. Parker is 17 months old now and really starting to talk! He mimicks everything he sees and hears. He is also getting more and more tough and has been the one to initiate the fights between the two as well as taken onto biting Payton when he is mad. So, thats been a blast. Payton has been in his toddler bed for about a month now too and is doing so well with his big boy bed! Every night we snuggle and read books and he tells us to"DOOR OPEN" (leave the door open a bit). Parker is still my sleeper of a child. He still goes to bed with his blankies (which he is oh so attatched to) every night about 7-7:30pm without a fuss and sleeps until 7-8 am. Its great. But, Payton is our alarm clock who now walks in our room and stares us in the face at about 7am every morning saying "I wake mommy, I wake daddy". Oh, well. What do ya do?! In other news, in less than three weeks, yes you read that right, three weeks and I GRADUATE from Allen with my Masters degree! Yay! Then two days later we have a huge family vacation to Florida!!! Yay! Airplanes, theme parks, and a very nice resort for a whole week! Well, I hope to get better at updating this but I will leave you with a few pics of the boys! 

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