Friday, August 13, 2010

My Big Boy Parker!

Well, I am two days early for this post but I had to make an announcement anyways. In two days Parker will be 9 heard me 9 months! Tonight while playing with these walking/riding cars the boys have, Parker was standing holding onto it as he frequently has the last couple weeks and suddenly he let go and like stood by himself for like 10 seconds. Of course mommy got excited and he realized what he was really doing and went boom on his butt and thought the world was coming to an end but it was such a shocker!! Payton didn't do that til closer to 10 months and then walked around 11 1/2 months....Parker is well on his way to early walking I predict! Since I am posting now, and this weekend is jam packed with activities I think I will update you all on everything else Parker. He currently is in size 4 diapers...ya...I know...crazy, but 3's aren't long enough and he pees outta them. He is not liking his bottle much anymore and are lucky if he takes 16 oz a day of formula but still doesn't understaned the concept of the cup. He is eating 1-2 jars of baby food for meals and also has started sampling big people food when we have something he can have. He is a pro at crawling now and can really move fast when he wants to get somewhere and then he has to try and stand up to anything he can. Parker is now really into watching Payton and crawling at his heels. They are starting to play together more and it is so cute to see them interacting and just being brothers and best buddies! I have to say I LOVE having them close in age, I think it is really going to be awesome for them as they grow up, but don't get me is exhausting. Parker is starting to voice his opinions more in his baby language and babbles mamamama and squeals when he gets excited. He sleeps thru the night unless something is wrong and goes to bed around 7:30 pm and gets up aroudn 6:30-8:00 am. (Lucky...I know!, Payton was the OPPOSITE for the first year of life). Well, thats the run down. This weekend are pictures with grandma Wendy, a family reunion, and playdate with Cousing Noah and Auntie Lisa. I will try to upload some pics from some of our fun later this weekend! Stay cool!

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