1) The big wet kisses and hugs I get when my boys see me after being apart!
2) The way Parker touches my face when he is drinking his bottle and snuggling before bedtime.
3) The way Payton wants me to be involved in everything...yes sometimes a challenge....but so sweet he cares so much that I am watching everything he is doing.
4) The way Payton nods his head yes when you ask if he loves you and then says wuv woo.
5) Parker's squeals when he sees me after a day at work and speed crawls to me.
6) The feeling of my boys falling asleep on me and being so relaxed.
7) Know I am teaching my children things and seeing them remember things we have worked on.
8) Being the one they want when they are sad or don't feel good.
9) Knowing that two little boys depend on me for everything and that we must be doing something right, they are pretty much happy all the time.
10) Knowing that no matter how hard or stressful things can get sometimes or when I feel sad about something, if I think of the boys, I instantly smile and nothing seems that bad anymore. Now thats a pretty good pick me up if I say so myself...
I know I could keep going on and on and on.....but for all you mommy's why do you love being a mommy?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Peace, thats how I feel at this time of night when both my boys are sound asleep and cozy in their beds after an evening of playing together as a family. This is the time where I lay in bed and my kids always drift into my head and make me realize how lucky I am to have the perfect family I have. It makes me think about how fast they are growing up and how I wish time would stop, but yet it makes me excited for the future. This is the time where I am able to catch up on things with my husband and really be able to talk to one another about everything going on in our lifes. This is the time were I can't imagine my life before my husband and children. This is definitly the time where I realize how much I love my life
Friday, August 13, 2010
My Big Boy Parker!
Well, I am two days early for this post but I had to make an announcement anyways. In two days Parker will be 9 months...you heard me 9 months! Tonight while playing with these walking/riding cars the boys have, Parker was standing holding onto it as he frequently has the last couple weeks and suddenly he let go and like stood by himself for like 10 seconds. Of course mommy got excited and he realized what he was really doing and went boom on his butt and thought the world was coming to an end but it was such a shocker!! Payton didn't do that til closer to 10 months and then walked around 11 1/2 months....Parker is well on his way to early walking I predict! Since I am posting now, and this weekend is jam packed with activities I think I will update you all on everything else Parker. He currently is in size 4 diapers...ya...I know...crazy, but 3's aren't long enough and he pees outta them. He is not liking his bottle much anymore and are lucky if he takes 16 oz a day of formula but still doesn't understaned the concept of the cup. He is eating 1-2 jars of baby food for meals and also has started sampling big people food when we have something he can have. He is a pro at crawling now and can really move fast when he wants to get somewhere and then he has to try and stand up to anything he can. Parker is now really into watching Payton and crawling at his heels. They are starting to play together more and it is so cute to see them interacting and just being brothers and best buddies! I have to say I LOVE having them close in age, I think it is really going to be awesome for them as they grow up, but don't get me wrong...it is exhausting. Parker is starting to voice his opinions more in his baby language and babbles mamamama and squeals when he gets excited. He sleeps thru the night unless something is wrong and goes to bed around 7:30 pm and gets up aroudn 6:30-8:00 am. (Lucky...I know!, Payton was the OPPOSITE for the first year of life). Well, thats the run down. This weekend are pictures with grandma Wendy, a family reunion, and playdate with Cousing Noah and Auntie Lisa. I will try to upload some pics from some of our fun later this weekend! Stay cool!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy 21 Months Payton
Okay well I am a day late...but yestereday we were so busy. Payton was 21 months yesterday and I can't believe it. I know it doesn't seem like much but it just means he is getting even closer to turning 2! Payton is definitly turning into a very happy opinionated little boy!! He knows what he wants when he wants and how he wants it....which isn't always a good thing, haha. He has been doing great since his tubes have been put it and no ear infections! He has been having so much fun this summer swimming at the quarry with his cousings, playing in the sand, being outside, and just being crazy! His talking is slowly picking up which is so nice....I love him being able to communicate with us. He has a new found love of tractors and choo-choo's as well! You should hear him when he sees one, its quite the sight! Next week mommy, daddy, and Payton are going to the state fair for a day, brother will be with gma (too long of a day outside in a stroller for him), and I am so excited. Its nice to do things individually with the kids to really appreciate them and have fun with them, I try to remember they aren't just "the boys", but two little guys with their own personalities and stages. Payton's other new things is calling Parker baby, it used to be brother, never has been Parker, but now he only calls him baby. Haha. Gotta love him!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Healthy Ears = Happy Boys
Well today was the tube followup with the ENT for both boys. The verdict is....the tubes are working great! She said she can see the tubes look healthy with no signs of infection and with both boys having minor colds, they are draining the fluid very well. This time a month ago we would have had two boys with high fevers and bad ear infections! I am soo happy we went thru with the tubes despite how nervous I was for them to be put to sleep. So minor for such major results! In other news, Parker is officially mobile. He is army crawling/real crawling all over the place and is constantly at our heels if we walk away from him. It is so cute to see how fast he can go when he really wants to get somewhere. He has also started cracking up at Payton's antics. I love seeing them develop a bond and love each other. My final year of grad school starts in like three weeks and that is on my mind so much...ughh...I am so ready to be done done done! I actually love school but it is so hard with being a woman that works, has two YOUNG boys, is a wife, and everything else in my life....laundry...dishes.....cleaning....it goes on and on. We are also still trying to sell our house so the thought of moving amongst school and everything else when it does sell really makes me nervous too! I was hoping to have this all figured out BEFORE school starts, but as we all know, life has its own plans. I go back for my first followup from my surgery on Wed., and so far I think things are better, but we'll find out more then. Well, thats all for now. Happy August!
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