Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can you say stress?!?!

Man, what a week it has been! Payton got another ear infection (in both ears) which caused him to run temps up to 104.5 for like the past three days and now Parker has ear infections too! I feel like I am so crazy getting my Masters, working, being a wife, and a mom to two under two (actually 17 months and 5 months).I am getting ready for school to end for the semester and get everything done before I go to Florida this Thursday. This requires a huge amount of work. And YES, I am going to Florida and not with any children! I just have to make it to then. We have been so busy with open houses and private showings of our house, I can't wait to sell, move and not have to clean deeeep every other day. It is exhausting when you have two little one's to clean up after (and a husband, haha). I am getting really nervous about leaving the boys for the extended weekend but I know they will be in good hands with their daddy. However, the control freak I am, I am stressing about everything from what they will wear to will he feed them what I would? I know he will take great care of them, I mean they are his boys too, but I have to accept there are different ways of doing things and thats okay. I guess I just won't ask for details, haha. It also makes me feel good that Jeremy isn't complaining about my girls weekend away (thur-sun) to Florida because man I really need it. This will be the longest I have ever been away from my husband since we have been married (3 years) and my two boys...scary! My goal though is to come back refreshed, less stressed, and ready for a great summer (off from school!) and just really enjoy myself...seeing as this is the first summer and birthday I haven't been preggo for, for the last TWO years! Well, enough rambling, I will update soon.

1 comment:

  1. A woman that does it all! You are amazing, and I am so very proud of you! I am sooo looking forward to time away with my two 'girls'. I think this is the first time in like forever that we have all been together, by ourselves, without children or husbands. No computers, lots of sun and water, music, and plenty of yummy drinks! I can't wait. This has been a very stressful semester at UNI for me and I am happy it is almost done! So. Pack your bags. Bring your suntan lotion and sunglasses. Don't forget the swimsuit. And you're packed! See you Wed p.m. Love, Mom
