Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Grandma Julie
Well, I haven't posted in so long but things have been mighty busy! I have been working alot and Jeremy has been really busy with his work. Last Thursday however, my grandma Julie passed away. She deserves a post, recognition, and reflection. My grandma was 86 years old. She was a nurse, she was the reason I became a nurse. I spent many days and nights with her growing up. I have so many fond memories of her, from spending the night at her house eating ice cream and watching Steel Magnolias with my cousin Judy to listening to her stories about when she was young. I remember going with her on the bus around town, camping at our cabin, and just visiting with her. I will never forget her voice, her smile, or her laugh. She was always happy (unless you brought up physical therapy). Even though she was 86 and had a long good life, it isn't easy to accept she is gone. I wish I would have seen her more near the end. Even when her hearing was bad she would smile, nod, and say I love you. There are so many things I will miss about her. She truely was an amazing woman, who created a legacy in our family, with having seven children, nineteen grandchildren, and twenty-five great grandchildren. And today, she is up in heaven with her family who has passed before her and her husband who she has been seperated from for 27 years. Love you grandma!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Routine? Routine.....what is that! Since I started back to work during the week the boys have been going to daycare I would have thought I would have developed a better routine. But, although they have LOVED going to daycare in the morning it seems like in the evening they are bears!! They are so upset about everything and screaming and crying at the drop of a hat it isn't enjoyable at all! I am just hoping once some time passes a new normal will develop and a routine will emerge It has been so nice having my evenings and weekends off and am loving the availablity to do whatever on the weekends and not miss out but man, this change has been so tiring! Jeremy has been super busy since ihs move to the Graf Home Selling Team which is great but that also makes a routine harder to establish. I can't wait in like three weeks we are heading to Orlando FL for a week of relaxing and quality family time! I. CANT. WAIT. :)
Payton has been cracking me up lately, and I have began to realize he is not a little toddler anymore, he will be four this November and is constantly coming up with new things. He wants to understand how everything works, has some crazy comebacks, and is much more indepenedent. Parker, still fights me on potty training at home (is amazing at daycare....go figure) but is so smart and keeps up with Payton pretty darn well. I love love love my little family even when everything is so busy and shaky but once things settle I know it will get even better. I am so thankful to have had so much support from my family throughout all the changes recently it really makes me thankful for everyone in my life. Pictures to come soon I PROMISE. Although no one even reads this right? LOL. Until next time....
Payton has been cracking me up lately, and I have began to realize he is not a little toddler anymore, he will be four this November and is constantly coming up with new things. He wants to understand how everything works, has some crazy comebacks, and is much more indepenedent. Parker, still fights me on potty training at home (is amazing at daycare....go figure) but is so smart and keeps up with Payton pretty darn well. I love love love my little family even when everything is so busy and shaky but once things settle I know it will get even better. I am so thankful to have had so much support from my family throughout all the changes recently it really makes me thankful for everyone in my life. Pictures to come soon I PROMISE. Although no one even reads this right? LOL. Until next time....
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Change, Its What I Do
So, a few posts back I was so excited over my new venture as being the occupational health nurse for the John Deere Foundry. Well, that has unexpectandly ended. I went and trained for several days in the foundry and each day my asthma got worse and worse. It got so bad I thought I was going to have a full blown attack and my lungs just burned. When I mentioned it to my boss she called HR and next thing I knew I was turning in my badge because it was unsafe for me to be there anymore. For those that have never been in the the foundry it is really really dirty. The employees come in filthy and the health office is located right in the middle of the foundry. I really never thought I would have a problem since my asthma has been pretty controlled for quite awhile now. Well, I was lucky enough that Allen (who John Deere contracts thru) offered me another weekend job on the medical floor at the hospital. I also had the opportunity to possibly go back to my old job during the week at Mercy. But, when I really broke it down with Jeremy, if I work during the week and the boys go back to daycare we would be paying over a$1,000 for daycare on top of the $900 a month I already pay on student loans. By staying on weekends I save the amount I pay on daycare and use that savings for my student loan payments and the rest of my check for our montly bills (like we have been doing). I am so nervous about working on an inpatient unit again because I have been in an outpatient setting for so long and it wasn't my top choice for places. However, I do know it will be great experience as I finish up my nurse practitioner program over the next several semesters. Its just so hard because I really liked the job at John Deere and to have it gone so fast and placed into another position I never even thought of literally in a matter of twelve hours is so crazy. I have to keep telling myself I will always do whats best for my family and that this is a learning experience. But, its hard to not to be so sad about everything. I guess things do happen for a reason, I just can't wait to see what the reason for all this was! :)
Friday, March 30, 2012
Battle Zone!
It feels as if my house is a battle zone! LOL. I know that sounds crazy but the boys are constantly fighting and screaming and/or arguing! Its horrible!! I just want to know when they will grow out of it...haha...never I know, right? It is so tiring and is so hard to stay positive when every other second I am breaking up fights or sending someone to timeout. I love the innocence of there ages right now (3, 2) but honestly can't wait for them to get a little bit bigger so they understand right from wrong a little better. Even with all the constant drama from the kids, I am so thankful to have them here and am not trying to sound like I am being a downer, lol, just venting I guess. They are so smart, lovable, and the sweet things they come up with makes all the drama worth it :) I just can't wait til I don't have to intervene every two seconds when they are playing!
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Secrets Out!

I know I officially announced on facebook my change in jobs but I haven't been able to really discuss it much yet until recently. I have accepted the position as the Occupational Health Nurse for the John Deere Foundry in Waterloo! I am so excited. It is still weekend option (which, hello, saves me tons on daycare!) and with the change in hours I will be home even more on the weekends. Right now I work 7a-7:30p Sat and Sun. So I see the boys Friday night and maybe 15 minutes Sat and Sun because I leave before they are up and they go to bed at 8pm and I don't even get home until around then. With this new job I work Friday night and Saturday night 10:30p-11am. So, I dont have to leave for work until the boys are in bed Friday night, and I plan on staying at my parents in Waterloo to sleep Saturday during the day (because I don't see the boys anyways now on Saturdays, they won't know the difference) and then Sunday after work I will go back to my parents and nap for a few hours and then I should be home by 1 or 2 Sunday afternoon and then I will go to bed normally Sunday night. Sundays are like my favorite day so I am excited to be able to have some family time now once I am home! Plus this new job helps pay my last three semesters of my post masters certificate for my nurse practitioner degree! They are all so nice and I am starting on the job training this week. My last weekend at Mercy is next weekend as well! I will have a few weeks of training before I go back to weekends so I will even have a few weekends off while training which I am so excited about! My new boss and coworkers seem amazing and I am so excited to be working in occupational health, something that always interested me and an area where I could see using my Nurse Practitioner liscence. I think this will be a great learning experience and a nice change of pace. It sucks I have to commute, but really its only like twice a week which isn't that big a of a deal to me. Plus, it is making my family proud to have me work for John Deeres lol, but in realty I am an Allen Hospital employee who is contracted by J.D. :) The other perk... for every five weekends I work, I get a weekend off, yay! Right now, I get two weekends off every six months , yuck. I am staying prn (work as needed) at Mercy in my department because I really do love what I do, but I am so excited for a change. Maybe I will actually see some people I know at the foundry? Heres to a new beginning!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Still Here!
Oh my, first of all I can't believe how long its been since I posted! I will say though, I am a very regular reader of everyone elses blogs and really love being able to stay caught up with everyone, I just don't have much to say. Second of all, I am really irritated with this design of the blog and am having a heck of a time changing it out, so bare with me if things look crazy for a bit. So I promise, I will be back with a full post very very soon, I have lots in the works right now but just don't have the time for a full catch up quite yet.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Welcome 2012!
Well, I am sure looking forward to 2012. A new year always excites me because I love to look at whats to come and look back at where we have been. However, one must remember to enjoy the present!
Highlights of 2011:
-We moved into our new house!
-Mommy graduated with her Masters degree!
-We went on a huge family vacation to Florida
-Mommy got a new position which allowed us to eliminate daycare and stay home during the week
-We joined MOPS, which is truely a blessing to a stay at home mom!
-We spent lots of time with family and friends
-Payton went to his first movie, and did fabulous!
-Parker turned into a true toddler! LOL (He will always be my little baby though!)
-We hosted Christmas at our house for the first time ever! We have always gone to others homes.
-Daddy has been doing great with all of his business ventures
Overall, I know there are many more memorable times of 2011, but those are just some highlights. We have had a great year and can't believe the boys are 2 and 3. This year being settled in our new home and finishing school really feels like things have slowed down and we are all able to really enjoy our time together and relax. This coming year I look forward to starting back to school for the last three semesters I will ever do, lol, to obtain my post-masters certificate and become a Family Nurse Practitioner. The boys will grow and learn and get lots of love from all around, and Jeremy will become even more successful in his real estate career. We have so much to be thankful for and I always like to stop and realize everything we have, where we have been, and let the future rest in God's hands. Bring on 2012! This will be a great year!
(One New Year's Resolution I do have is to get better at blogging and adding pictures!)
Highlights of 2011:
-We moved into our new house!
-Mommy graduated with her Masters degree!
-We went on a huge family vacation to Florida
-Mommy got a new position which allowed us to eliminate daycare and stay home during the week
-We joined MOPS, which is truely a blessing to a stay at home mom!
-We spent lots of time with family and friends
-Payton went to his first movie, and did fabulous!
-Parker turned into a true toddler! LOL (He will always be my little baby though!)
-We hosted Christmas at our house for the first time ever! We have always gone to others homes.
-Daddy has been doing great with all of his business ventures
Overall, I know there are many more memorable times of 2011, but those are just some highlights. We have had a great year and can't believe the boys are 2 and 3. This year being settled in our new home and finishing school really feels like things have slowed down and we are all able to really enjoy our time together and relax. This coming year I look forward to starting back to school for the last three semesters I will ever do, lol, to obtain my post-masters certificate and become a Family Nurse Practitioner. The boys will grow and learn and get lots of love from all around, and Jeremy will become even more successful in his real estate career. We have so much to be thankful for and I always like to stop and realize everything we have, where we have been, and let the future rest in God's hands. Bring on 2012! This will be a great year!
(One New Year's Resolution I do have is to get better at blogging and adding pictures!)
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