Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Parker

So I am way late on this post but we have been so busy! I feel bad but none the less, here it is! As of November 15th, Parker is 1 year old! Oh my goodness! We have a one year old and a two year old.....CRAZY! I never pictured of things happening this way but am so thankful it did. Parker is such a great addition to our family. Tommorrow we go for the yearly check up so I will update with the boys stats then. But, Parker is pretty much done with the bottle and only takes one at bedtime right now, so not too bad. He is a walking machine, and is even starting to almost run. He loves to follow his brother around and laugh and laugh and laugh. You are also a great sleeper, which is just awesome! He is a snuggly boy and nothing is better then mommy or daddy, a blankie, and the thumb in the mouth. I love how you still like to snuggle and give loves and you have even started to give kisses! Your big blue eyes are mesmerizing and we can't help but love you to pieces!

Parker, you have changed our lives forever and for the best. You are your own little person and we wouldn't change anything about you! Love you always! -Mommy and Daddy

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