Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Payton

Dear Payton,

Happy Birthday (sorry a day late), I can't believe you are two! Two years ago daddy and I were so excited to see you come into this world and it has been such a fun ride ever since! So much has happened for you in the last two years. We have moved, you've been in the hospital twice (scared mommy and daddy to death), you learned how to walk and talk (still working on that) and even begun pottying on your own potty, as well as many other things! You are so full of energy and are generally a very happy boy. You love following daddy around and helping him do things and then snuggling up with mommy when you are tired or just want some lovin. Your favorite things are choo-choo's and trucks and you can spot them from miles away. You love to read with mommy and daddy and look at books on your own. You are a very good big brother to Parker and even when it seems like you are annoyed with him you are always looking out for him and helping him out. Its crazy, I can't even remember what it was like before you were born. Well, I guess it was a little quieter....but sure not as fun. Happy 2nd Birthday and we love you so much and will forever.

Love, Mommy (and Daddy)

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