Saturday, April 24, 2010
Can you say stress?!?!
Man, what a week it has been! Payton got another ear infection (in both ears) which caused him to run temps up to 104.5 for like the past three days and now Parker has ear infections too! I feel like I am so crazy getting my Masters, working, being a wife, and a mom to two under two (actually 17 months and 5 months).I am getting ready for school to end for the semester and get everything done before I go to Florida this Thursday. This requires a huge amount of work. And YES, I am going to Florida and not with any children! I just have to make it to then. We have been so busy with open houses and private showings of our house, I can't wait to sell, move and not have to clean deeeep every other day. It is exhausting when you have two little one's to clean up after (and a husband, haha). I am getting really nervous about leaving the boys for the extended weekend but I know they will be in good hands with their daddy. However, the control freak I am, I am stressing about everything from what they will wear to will he feed them what I would? I know he will take great care of them, I mean they are his boys too, but I have to accept there are different ways of doing things and thats okay. I guess I just won't ask for details, haha. It also makes me feel good that Jeremy isn't complaining about my girls weekend away (thur-sun) to Florida because man I really need it. This will be the longest I have ever been away from my husband since we have been married (3 years) and my two boys...scary! My goal though is to come back refreshed, less stressed, and ready for a great summer (off from school!) and just really enjoy myself...seeing as this is the first summer and birthday I haven't been preggo for, for the last TWO years! Well, enough rambling, I will update soon.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy 5 Months Parker
Well, to say the least I have become a blogger slacker. I have been so busy with the semester ending and work and the boys that this has kinda fallen to the backburner. However, I did remember to make a quick note tonight as today Parker turns 5 months! Can you believe it? I think I am in such astonishment every month....hmmm..I guess thats just the mommy in me?! He is rolling over both ways, and actually rolling all over the place. He is still on soy formula and taking around 5-6 oz every 4 hours. He is still on the prevacid for his reflux, and so far its still doing okay. He has started rice cereal and some days loves it others, he doesn't care. However, he is a slurpper when he sucks it off the spoon which is so cute. He is getting more and more hair. Smiling all the time and squealing when excited. He is very ticklish on his neck just like his big brother. His little temper has started to show. If he wants attention or something is not how he likes, he screams (not cries, but a loud yell)...its kinda funny. He is between a size 2 and 3 diaper. At his last weigh in this past week he was about 17lbs. Overall, he is doing very well and is such an amazing and sweet baby boy. We are definitly blessed with our two! I know I always say this....but when I have time I will try to get some pictures up here, until then check facebook as they are easier to upload on there and is more often the most updated location of pics.
Monday, April 5, 2010

So I have been in a bit of a blogging slump. So here is a quick update. We recently got the boys pictures taken. Parker is almost 5 months and Payton is almost 17 months! Both are doing well and healthy. Parker is rolling all over the place and Payton is well...Payton, haha. He is loud, in charge, and definitly opinionated. But, we love him for that! Both boys definitly have their distinct personality! I really hope they grow up to be close even though they seem so different right now in their personalities. We have been playing outside alot since it has been nice. Parker has enjoyed his stroller rides while Payton is loving the sidewalk chalk! He loves to color anywhere, and well anything. School and work have been keeping me quite busy as well as Jeremy with his new job as a realtor. We have had a couple bites on our home (which is for sale) so hopefully something will pan out. I hope to upload some pictures from Easter later this week when I have time. But, here are some pics for now!

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