Well, I know I have become very bad at posting regularly, but we seem to be so busy! We had a very nice Christmas this year and very action packed! Thursday mommy and the boys headed to Waterloo to beat the storm and spend time with gma and gpa and then my sister and her kids came up early too. The daddys met us up there the next day. It was so fun to spend so much time with my family! We stayed in Waterloo until Saturday afternoon and had such a great time. The boys were soooo tired! Christmas Eve we went to the church service and oh my goodness, my boys were so loud and did not do very well, but I guess everyone deals with that and kids with church at some point, lol. But, it was a reminder of why the boys don't go to church with mommy, however, I hope to change that soon and teach them how to behave. Then after church we opened presents with my family and it took forever. They got so much more than I can imagine and more than they need. Parker was so tired from all the excitement, he ended up crashing before opening all his gifts. Then Saturday morning we saw what Santa brought the boys and had dinner which was so great! I then proceeded to try and school my neices in their Wii Dance game.....haha....ya I sure lost my groove. Saturday evening we then visited Jeremy's mom and aunt and just hung around until we all crashed, which was early. Then, Sunday we Jeremy's dad's family Christmas and Santa (great grandpa) made an appearance which was classic!!! Payton couldn't hold in the squeals and was just jumping up and down screaming MOMMY ANTA!!! (SANTA). Then San
ta gave Payton (and all the other little ones) a present and he was just glowing. Parker....not so enthused, lol. But, whats new? All of the little ones (there are six little cousins in this side of the family:one 5yr old, four 2yr olds, and a 1yr old) and Payton and his older cousin who is 5 were really the only ones to just be so excited to see Santa. It was so much fun though.
We have so much to be thankful for this Holiday Season and I can't believe how blessed I am. Also, we have been really talking to the boys about how Jesus is the reason for the season and I really hope they grasp that in the years to come even though Santa is alot of fun.
In other news, Payton has really been talking better and is finally saying a few full sentences, it is sooo cute. I love it when he says I not know mommy, lol. Parker is even starting to talk, he says: anta (santa), mama, dada, uh-oh, hannah, nigh nigh (night night), and I am sure even more. He is picking up things so fast. The latest thing though in our house is the battle of the boys. They each think everything is theirs and will do everything in their physical power to get what they want from each other. I see many ER visits ahead in our future, lol! I am finally on break from school and I got an A in my class this semester and only have one more class until graduation in May!!!!!! Well, I will leave you with some pictures and hope to updat
e more often as I am not in school right now. Hope everyone had a very nice Christmas! -Amy
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