Well, things are finally starting to fall into place around here! Everyone is finally healthy and doing well. Its about time! Parker is officially nine weeks old today, which I can't believe. It seems like just yesterday I was huge and stuck in bed thinking about his arrival. Payton is definitly hitting the toddler phase and has started stomping his feet when he wants something right that second....which is always! But, he is just really taking off and starting to talk more and understand what we are saying more each day which is so awesome. He now says mama, dada, grandma, uh-oh, all done, milk, ball, and I am sure there are more I am not thinking of right now. Today cousin Noah came and played and it was adorable watching the two boys interact. They sure entertain each other which is awesome. Payton is so Noah's shadow when he is around and it is so adorable. They spent almost an hour emptying out the toybox and just sitting in it, haha. Parker has been doing great at holding his head up and is really alert and sure smiling alot! He also has been sleeping pretty good, only waking up once to twice a night MOST nights. Daddy did his first deal as a realtor this week and we are so proud of him and he has many promising clients coming in soon, but still pass the word! This will be my last week off from work and I have mixed feelings. I am so ready to get back into a routine and be around adults. But, I have really enjoyed bei
ng around my boys and husband so much. Plus I have been off since October since I was on bedrest, so I feel a little rusty and my department has moved, so there will be alot of new things going on. Oh, well. At least I am only part time and work three days a week, that I am thankful for. Well, enough for now!
It just keeps getting better every day. So much of what you write reminds me of when you and your sister were little... They grow up so fast, in a blink of an eye. Love them unconditionally and enjoy! Love, Mom