Well I finally had a minute to update this thing...I need to get better about it because I really do enjoying blogging...and reading others! Well, this week completes the first week back to work. Luckily I am only working three eight hour shifts a week 8-4:30 so thats not really all that bad, but man it kicked my butt this week. Jeremy has been volunteering to get up at night when I work the next day and that has definitly helped, how sweet huh?! Payton starts daycare tomorrow, and I do think he will really en
joy it and really pick up on some new things, hopefully good things. He needs the socialization and now Parker gets grandma's full attention, which will be great. Payton is doing great though, I can't believe he is almost fifteen months old already. Parker is eleven weeks old today and definitly being very social. He smiles and coos and almost laughing I swear. He has been soooo laid back, he sleeps, looks around, smiles, sleeps, eats, sleeps, haha. Hopefully he stays mellow because Payton takes enough energy to keep up with :) Well, I better get going, hopefully I can update more soon!
(Don't you love Parker smiling? Oh, and his brother was kinda shy after his bath...hehe)