Friday, July 23, 2010


Haha.....nice title huh? Well, thats Payton's newest word and favorite word lately. He knows when he wants one ( a little to often) and where they come from! I have to say he is definitly picking up more words, he says juice now and puppy, and loves to make all the animal noises. I definitly know he understands so much because you can ask him anything and he will try to respond and shows his understanding.....his talking still hasn't greatly expanded but its nice to know he understands. Also, his memory is amazing, this little boy LOVES puzzles and can do one after just looking at it once. It is amazing. Parker, now 8 months old (omg, i know!) is on full on cruzer mode, he army crawls everywhere and is all about chasing mommy or daddy to wherever we are. Lately he will be playing in the living room with Payton and the next thing we know he is at our feet in the kitchen. He just cracks me up, he is still sooo smiley and is now making lots of loud noises and trying to imitate Payton when he yells. It is so funny. They are so cute together. Parker is always crawling all over Payton and Payton is hugging and kissing on him all the time. I love those boys! I had my surgery this week and all is well so far. I am really just extremely tired and just a bit sore. Each day it gets better. Dr. Rexroth said that everything looked okay but I will know for sure when some of the pathology reports come back hopefully next week. Well, next week Parker is getting his 8 month pictures so I will try to upload some new pics then!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Well today was the long awaited for day....tubes for both boys. We arrived at the hospital at 0630 with two sleepy boys. I have to say, I was really suprised at how fast everything went. Parker went first and went at 0730, was out at 0740, Payton in at 0740 and out by 0750 and we were being discharged at 0815 and home by 0830! Parker woke up the happy boy that he always is with his little red cheeks (from the gas mask) guzzlin pedialyte for the nurses. Payton arrived quite grumpy as they say is quite common for toddlers with anesthesia. As soon as he woke up he asked for mommy....cute huh?! When they took him from us he freaked out and that was the hardest part of it all I have to say. Parker just smiled as they carried him back, haha. Ignorance is bliss. Both boys have been a bit more sleepy and slightly tempermental today but so far so good. We have ear drops for each boys for the next couple days but no big deal. Well, we will keep you updated...check facebook for pics.